VSW002 Elizabeth Mary "May" Lewis, Modern Folding Doors, Tumble;Morris Motors, Felinfoel Llanelli
Although she passed into the grammar school, May didn't go to it, but left school at 14 (1938). She apprenticed as a dressmaker. During the war she worked in Morris Motors (c.1940-5) – good money, making car radiators. She worked on Saturday mornings 'full of curlers'. The supervisors were very strict – no talking. She had to ask the managers' permission to marry. She married and left. In Morris Motors she wore trousers for the first time. There wasn't a bath in her home. They had fun Xmas time. She worked in Hadfield (a shop) making curtains (c.1958-). She moved to the Folding Doors Factory c.1965 (until ?1968) on the machine stitching the doors. Unions and an accident there. Her husband was a coalminer – he lost his leg. She was made redundant. She describes meeting her husband and her married life.